Joana F. Leal completed her PhD in Chemistry in 2017 by University of Aveiro (PhD grant awarded by National Foundation for Science and Technology ). She concluded her Master in Analytical Chemistry and Quality in 2012 and her Degree in Biochemistry in 2010, both by University of Aveiro. Currently, she is a researcher in Centre of Marine Sciences (Centro de Ciências do Mar – CCMAR, University of Algarve). Also, she has professional training in Laboratory Aquatic Animal Sciences. She published 13 scientific articles and 2 extended abstracts in international peer reviewed journals as first author. Also, she participated (orally or poster) in around 30 national and international conferences, was distinguished with some awards, and collaborated in the organization of different events. She works mainly in the areas of Environmental/Aquatic Chemistry, Marine Chemistry, Analytical and Organic Chemistry. Her main research interests are focused on environmental remediation, marine biotoxins, aquaculture, photodegradation, photocatalysts, antibiotics, and real-scale applications. In her professional activities interacted with many collaborators from different areas in co-authorship of scientific papers. Joana F. Leal is a full time researcher in
the DEPURATOX project.

M. Lurdes S. Cristiano is full professor of Chemistry at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Algarve (FCT / UAlg). Integrated member of the Center for Marine Sciences – CCMar/CIMAR-LA (since 2006). PI of the Organic Reactivity and Medicinal Chemistry group of CCMar (OrgMedChem). Member of the IUPAC sub-committee “Structural and Mechanistic Chemistry” (since 2008); Member of the “International Steering Committee for European Symposia on Organic Reactivity” since 2007. Member of the network “Red CYTED – AQUA CIBUS”. Associate member of the Chemistry Center of Coimbra- CQC/IMS-LA. Habilitation/aggregation in Chemistry (2007) and Doctor in Exact Sciences (1996) by the University of Algarve; PhD in Chemistry (1994) by the University of Liverpool, UK; 1st Degree/Licenciate in Chemistry (1986) by the University of Coimbra. Member of the academic staff of FCT / UAlg since 1992. Dean of the Faculty (FCT / UAlg) (2015-2021). Coordinates the Doctoral Program in Chemistry (since 2009). Director of the 1st degree/Licenciate course in Chemistry (1996-2003); Head of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy (2013-2015 and 2006-2008). Member of the Board of directors of CCMar/CIMAR-LA) (2009-2015). Chair of international conferences /meetings, held at UAlg / CCMar: ESOR XI, ICPOC 24 and EPICHEMBIO; involvement as committee member in more than 30 Chemistry conferences held outside UAlg. Research with emphasis on Organic Reactivity / Physical Organic Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry. Participation in 18 financed projects (5 as PI). Authored 97 peer reviewed articles (ISI/WoK), 5 book chapters and 6 registered patents. Delivered over 60 lectures in meetings. Supervision of 11 PhD and 40 MSc thesis, and 30 honours projects. Keywords: Structural and Reactivity studies; Reaction mechanisms; Catalysis; Selective chelants; Biotoxins; Peroxide-based drugs; Drug design; Antiparasitic drugs; Chelant-based chemotherapy. M. Lurdes S. Cristiano is the PI of the project.

Patrícia S. M. Amado is graduated from the University of Algarve’s Faculty of Science and Technology with a Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MICF) in 2015. She has extensive experience in the synthesis of chemical compounds. She has ten peer-reviewed publications in international journals such as Journal of Organic Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Medicinal Research Reviews, Molecules, and The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Also, she participated in several (inter)national conferences and was distinguished with some awards. P. Amado is currently a fellow of this project (since May 2022), under supervision of M. L. S. Cristiano and co-supervision of J. F. Leal.
Patricia Sofia Menalha Amado (0000-0002-7307-9210) (orcid.org)

André D. Lopes obtained his undergraduate degree in Applied chemistry – Organic chemistry from Science and Technology Faculty of New University of Lisbon in 1992. He completed his PhD. in 1999 in Inorganic Chemistry (synthesis, characterisation and catalytic studies of coordination and organometallic Mo(VI) and Re(VII) oxocomplexes) at ITQB from New University of Lisbon under the supervision of Prof. Carlos C. Romão. After, he went to University of Aveiro for a one year post doc position integrated in Prof. José Teixeira Dias’s group (1999-2000). After, he was appointed as invited assistant professor at University of Algarve for one year and after the period and after that until our days, he is assistant professor at the same university. André’s main interests in research involve synthesis and characterization of new coordination and organometallic systems applied to catalysis, supramolecular chemistry involving cucurbiturils-organometallic inclusion complexes. André is co-author of 48 papers in peer-review scientific journals and more than 50 national and international conferences. André D. Lopes participates as a researcher in the project.

Valentin Bessergenev completed his PhD in Physics at University of Ekaterin-Burg, Ekaterin-Burg, Rússia, in 1984. He was Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the University of Algarve until 2021. Valentin’s main interests in research are related to experimental physics, photocatalysis, thermodynamics, thin films, nanomaterials. He participated in several projects, supervised many students and is co-author of around 60 publications (scientific articles and book chapters). V. Bessergnev participated as a researcher in the project until March 2021.