National news in Notícias Magazine
Printed publication: 18/06/2023, number 1621, page 16.
On-line publication, 23/06/2023:
Universidade do Algarve quer reduzir contaminação de bivalves (noticiasmagazine.pt)

Participation in the debate on the problems of the Ria Formosa, with the presentation of the DEPURATOX project.
Event organized by APOS-Associação de Valorização do Património Cultural e Ambiental de Olhão, on April 15, 2023, at the Biblioteca Municipal de Olhão (cm-olhao.pt).

Television report about the project, on the program “Portugal em Direto”, on RTP1, broadcast on 10 April 2023.
DEPURATOX Project | RTP1 – Portugal em Direto de 10/04/23 – YouTube
National and international news (examples)

Public presentation of the main results of the DEPURATOX project, in Biblioteca Municipal de Olhão (cm-olhao.pt), Olhão, on February 28, 2023.

Oral presentation at Global Women’s Breakfast 2023 (virtual meeting), which took place on February 14, 2023, at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Algarve, Portugal.
Title: Cation-exchange resin applied to paralytic shellfish toxins depuration from bivalves exposed to Gymnodinium catenatum.
Presented by Patrícia S. M. Amado
Event organized by Professor M. Lurdes Cristiano

Research article published in Foods
(impact factor, 2021: 5.561, Q1).
Authors: J. F. Leal, G. Bombo, Patrícia, S. M. Amado, H. Pereira, M. L. S. Cristiano

Research article published in Toxins
(impact factor, 2021: 5.075, Q1).
Title: Toxin profile of two Gymnodinium catenatum strains from Iberian Coastal Waters
Authors: J. F. Leal, G. Bombo, H. Pereira, B. Vicente, A. Amorim, M. L. S. Cristiano

Poster presentation in the 8thEuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC8), in Lisbon, Portugal, from August 28 to September 1, 2022.
Title: Decontamination of natural aquatic systems from paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) – a molecular perspective.
Authors: J. F. Leal and M. L. S. Cristiano

Oral presentation at the XIV Reunião Ibérica sobre Microalgas Nocivas e Biotoxinas Marinhas, which took place in June 2022, in Lisbon, Portugal.
Title: Toxin profile of two new strains of Gymnodinium catenatum from Iberian coastal waters.
Authors: J. F. Leal, G. Bombo, A. Amorim, H. Pereira, B. Vicente, M. L. Cristiano

Communication published in Toxins
(impact factor, 2021: 5.075, Q1):
Title: Revisiting the HPLC-FLD Method to Quantify Paralytic Shellfish Toxins: C3,4 Quantification and the First Steps towards Validation.
Authors: J. F. Leal and M. L. S. Cristiano
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins14030179

Review article published in Natural Product Reports (impact factor, 2021: 15.111, Q1):
Title: Marine paralytic shellfish toxins: chemical
properties, mode of action, newer analogues, and
structure–toxicity relationship
Authors: J. F. Leal and M. L. S. Cristiano
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/D1NP00009H

Extended abstract published in Proceedings of the 19th
International Conference on Harmful Algae
Title: Paralytic Shellfish Toxins: a complex group in constant (bio)transformation.
Authors: Joana F. Leal and Maria L. S. Cristiano

Oral presentation at the 19th International Conference on Harmful A, which took place (virtually) in Mexico, in October 2021.
Title: Paralytic Shellfish Toxins: a complex group in constant (bio)transformation.
Authors: J. F. Leal and M. L. S. Cristiano.